Resumes, Extracurricular Activities, and GPA
The next step in the admissions process is making sure you
have a professional resume, which includes a summary of your education and
other college/life experiences. Extracurricular activities and your GPA are important
to include on your law school resume, especially if you are going to law school
straight out of undergrad or with only a couple gap years. Oftentimes, people
think you can have one or the other- to maintain a high GPA, you must limit extracurricular
activities or that more extracurricular activities mean a lower GPA. However,
this does not have to be the case.
Your resume is the summary of your education, work
experiences, extracurricular activities, volunteering, and honors you have received.
As many law school applicants already have a resume, I will keep this section brief.
One way that law school resumes differ from others is that
they do not have to be limited to one page. As a business major, I was taught that my resume had to be less than one
page, which resulted in a 10-point font resume with experiences left off. Law
schools want to see everything and will not limit your resume. Even with this
knowledge, keep in mind that most resumes should not be longer than two or
three pages.
My last recommendation is to submit your resume in PDF form.
Submitting a Word document can cause formatting issues and leave awkward or
unintended spaces. Like all resumes, your law school one needs to be
Just like colleges, law schools want to see that you
participated in extracurricular activities.
Law schools especially love seeing leadership positions or devotion to a
certain activity. Being in three clubs and having leadership experience in two
of them will look better than being in ten clubs and having no leadership
experience in any of them.
From my experience, most law schools do not care about which
extracurriculars you partake in. Join clubs that you like and are interested
in. Volunteer in areas that you are passionate about. Not everything you do has
to relate to law school, but it can. If
you want to go into environmental law, volunteering at a recycling center will
look good on your resume. Join a sorority or fraternity to network. Join the
honors organization for your major if you qualify. Join the pre-law club on
your campus, as this can offer great insight into law school, life as an
attorney, and more. Do what you like, try to have leadership experience, but do
not spread yourself too thin.
Having a part time job, full time job, or internship also
looks great on your resume. If you are
coming directly out of college, it shows that you have time management skills.
If you have taken a gap year, it shows experience. I have found that many
people who take a gap year have a job or internship that relates to what they
want to do as an attorney, which can really strengthen an application.
GPA isn’t everything (especially if you have taken gap
years), but it isn’t nothing. Law schools will compare your GPA to their median
and 25th and 75th percentiles. This will impact your
acceptance decision and scholarships. Law schools also take into account your
major. Since some majors have more difficult classes and lower GPAs than
others, this will be considered (shout out to all you science and engineering
It is important to find balance between extracurricular
activities and GPA. A student with a 4.0 and an LSAT score of 180 will get into
any school she applies to, regardless of if she had a job or participated in
extracurricular activities. But let’s be realistic, most of us aren’t that
applicant. So balance is important: what says studious but also involved? That
differs for each person. To determine this balance for yourself, think about
what matters most to you and what will help you reach your end goals. Also,
look at the law schools you are considering. All law schools release GPA
information for each incoming class. Do not be afraid to contact admissions and
ask what they look for in applicants. Reaching out to them will also put you on
their radar, which can be beneficial when the admissions team reads your
I hope this helped to clarify the resume, experience, and
GPA components of the application process. Be professional, get involved, but
also maintain an impressive GPA. Good luck when applying!
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