First Year Recap
It's a double post day! These past few weeks have been super crazy with me traveling and then moving to a new city for my summer internship. I missed both of last week's posts, and I haven't had time to post a make-up from last Thursday. I am just now getting around to it. The first post for today is a recap of my first year of law school.
This past year, I took Torts, Contracts, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, Legal Research and Writing, Property, Legal Professions, and Constitutional Law. Most of these are the typical first year classes that all law students take, while some are considered upper level classes. In my first year at law school, I learned more than I did in all three years of undergrad. I enjoyed most of my classes, but Contracts and Property were my favorite. I found both really interesting and challenging at the same time. I still don't know what type of law I want to go into, but I have been thinking more about Real Estate law considering my interests in these classes.
I joined a couple different clubs in my first year. I joined Women's Law Caucus, which is an organization that supports women in law. I also joined Business and Law Society, which focuses on issues in business and corporate law. I was an Admissions Ambassador and gave tours to prospective students. I also joined a pro bono organization that helps survivors of domestic violence get protective orders against their abusers. Of all of the organizations that I got involved with, this was by far my favorite and the most meaningful work.
Not only did I join organizations, I made some amazing friends. Without the friends I made, I don't know if I would've made it through my first year of law school. Law school is difficult, and many people do not understand it, but your classmates and friends do. You can lean on them when law school gets stressful and overwhelming. Thanks to all the wonderful people who made this year amazing!
Overall, the my two biggest takeaways/piece of advice for those going into their 1L year are as follows: (1) Be prepared. Be prepared for classes, be prepared for assignments, and most importantly, be prepared for finals. Put in the work early, and it will pay off later. (2) Ask questions and get help if needed. The earlier you get questions answered, the better. If you need help, make sure you reach out to your professor or advisor. They can really help you Get to know your professors- they are actually really interesting and cool people!
Overall, it was a great year, and I cannot wait for the next year. I am serving in leadership positions for many of the organizations I am involved in. I am enrolled in classes that I am particularly interested in, which is also exciting.
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