My Second Semester Goals

Earlier this week, I posted my New Years Fitness Goals, and I'm following up with my goals for my second semester of law school.

Update my outlines weekly- As mentioned in my post about outlining, I believe the most successful way to outline is by doing it throughout the semester. Therefore, I plan to update my outlines for every class every week this semester. Hopefully, this will save me time during finals that I can spend studying and will help me connect all the information together quicker.

Don't fall behind on reading- Although this wasn't an issue for me this past semester, I know it is for many law students. It's important to stay on top of your reading in law school, and I want to continue doing so in my second semester.

Go to office hours- This is something I never did last semester except right before finals, and I regret it. I want to go to office hours more often, especially when there is something I don't understand in class. The biggest reason why I didn't go to office hours was because I didn't know when my professors held them. This semester, I will keep a list of all my professors' office hours in my planner so I have no excuse not to go to them.

Find a summer job- In law school, it is extremely important to have a summer job, especially for the summer following your first year. Your 1L summer job will hopefully lead to your 2L summer job, which will hopefully turn into a job offer for after graduation. I will be spending a lot of time this semester applying for and (hopefully) interviewing for a summer job.

Explore the town more- Although this isn't a school related goal, it is something I want to do more of this semester. I live in a very cute college town and have failed to take advantage of everything it has to offer. This semester, I will make a list of five or so things I want to see or experience in the town and will use it to explore the town.

Well those are my goals for my second semester of law school. Leave some of your goals for the upcoming semester in the comments below!


  1. Wonderful intentions for your next semester. I'm sure you will accomplish all that and more!

    1. Thank you!! I hope I will accomplish them all


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